Thursday, February 03, 2011

The TERI Yuva Meet, February 2011

Starting from day 2, I’ll be writing about the whole event but before all that my achievement: got our team’s poster selected for the “Youth Express” and even presented a play on it. Talking about the experience: awesome and yes there is an award for the best student participant and I’m forgetting the name of it (Green globe award, got it later), surely is the prestigious one and just in the hope to get it.
Moving on to the first day, more than expectations can deliver and overwhelmed with the amount of work some organizations can do to promote youth action in fields like climate change and sustainable development. Sometimes it gets me confused whether these activities are actually meant for this purpose or is just a show for the money being spent over a to be said CSR activity. Hope the latter is not happening. Just hope coz that all we can do.
Our play: I felt I was the director of the play or I was actually trying to be one, well someone has to take the initiative, so it was me; from the idea of the poster to the direction of the play and yea the younger child who misses out the traditional education and comes back to the village and is not able to save the life of a dying man bit by a snake, he feels the education he got in the city is worthless if it could not even help someone.

What more to that i actually made it up to the top 2 students, didn't win the award, yet more than content with the level i reached and the amount of experience I've got.

the major advantage most of the people get of such meets is that they get to know more people, while what I personally feel and I did even speak it during a session is that "why are we wasting more resources by organizing such events at prestigious locations where there are numerous resources being thrown without even we demanding them. 
supply and demand are still a question for how to go sustainable and who stands responsible, is it the people or the industry.

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